When I first heard about legendary wrestler The Ultimate Warrior's passing this year I was shocked. How could an invincible super hero from my childhood die? In the earlier years of the WWF there were so many characters like the Bushwackers, Junkyard Dog, Macho Man Randy Savage and the Legion of Doom but the Warrior was always hands down the favourite.
His energy was contagious and I often found myself copying his loud, incoherent energy fueled rant in the house. This was not a popular sound amongst siblings and parents. Nonetheless I looked forward to his thunderous, tasseled presence on TV and I enjoyed his interviews just as much as his matches.
A true and pure form of entertainment which is hard to find nowadays. RIP Ultimate Warrior. Thank you for being a part of my childhood. This one is for you and you will be missed.
Contact us at mail@grantedclothing.com for details.
Every year we try to do a little something out of the ordinary, not only to test the boundaries of our knitters but to design something that has had an influence with our vision in some way. While other brands seem to try so hard to be something they are not we are lucky here at Granted to have a natural and genuine approach with our ideas.
-Some other examples of our designs-
Don Cherry's Blue Sweater
Miami Vice Flamingo Sweater
David Suzuki Sweater
Greatest Sweater in the Galaxy
Malcom X Sweater
Special thanks to:
Holistic Fitness Specialist
Kenny Muir